Frequently Asked Questions
Are you thinking of booking a class with us? We can't wait to have you! If you have a question, some of our FAQ's are listed below but if you still aren't sure, please complete our contact form on the home page.
Can I change my class after booking?
Once you have booked your session, this cannot be moved or changed unless we are given at least 48 hours notice. If an unforeseen emergency or illness comes up, please let us know and we'll see what we can do to accomodate.
How do the bulk bookings work?
On the booking form, you will be asked to confirm what classes you wish to attend (session type, date and time). If you wish to change a date or time, you must give us 48 hours warning so we can have time to accommodate this change.
Why do I need to pay for my session in advance?
We need to pay for a lot of things in advance of our classes, one of the most prominent being the venue hire or commission. This means if we have a last minute drop out, we cannot replace that person and we lose money. As a small business this is detrimental to us. So, to ensure we can accurately predict numbers, we now charge our tickets in advance. Plus it's one less thing for you to worry about when you arrive to class - remembering to bring your card!
What age should my child be before we come to a class?
Babies take different things from our classes at different ages. From newborn to 3 months old, they can enjoy the light play (we do this at Royal Porcelain Works) and you can enjoy meeting other mums! As they grow older your babies can start to join in with the baby signing and playing with the various toys and sensory play items we provide. Once your child is crawling and toddling, you can move up to our older class at 12:30!